Product introduction: KLAND-Blog is a blogging platform.
Product function:
The main functions of KLAND-Blog blog:
* It can be installed on the host of Internet or LAN;
* Use user levels to control user's access authority;
* All webpages are dynamically generated;
* Support RSS2.0;
* Connection to external blogs: Support for connecting to other people's blogs, and vice versa;
* Use templates to generate webpages dynamically;
* Write blogs via email;
* Support paging blogs;
* Support uploading files and pictures;
* Support blog articles;
* Review blog comments.
* Users' classification: It supports up to 10 user levels; users in different levels have different authorities or are conferred with different authorizations from the administer in terms of editing, commenting, blogging, etc.
Product features:
It is flexible and customizable, and supports search engine optimization.
* All webpages are dynamically generated based on databases and templates;
* The URLs of all the pages on the blog are supposed to meet certain criteria, and at the same time all the links are supposed to be clear.